Calibrate on the venue day?

Calibrate is a leading Flemish company specializing in supporting digital transformation.

With a strong focus on Open Source, innovation, artificial intelligence (AI) and custom solutions, we help governments optimize their processes and improve interaction with citizens. More so, many of our customers are government agencies or companies in the public sector. 

So being present at Trefdag is only logical for us. 

Also check out our webinar

We're also doing a webinar focused on the public sector.
What you can see there:

  • Some issues specifically for editors (page building)
  • The EU AI act
  • Some nice AI implementations
soviet hacker ddos

Scalable and secure hosting

A critical aspect of digital services is the hosting infrastructure. Calibrate offers scalable and secure hosting solutions optimized for the public sector. This means that our customers can always count on high availability, even during busy periods.

Take, for example, our collaboration with the Flemish Parliament and the Province of West Flanders. We have robust (auto-scaling) hosting that is not only extremely stable, but also meets the highest security standards, which is crucial for the protection of sensitive data.


Implementation of the Citizen Profile

One of our most successful initiatives is the implementation of the citizen profile. This digital platform centralizes interactions between citizens and local governments, making processes more efficient and user-friendly.

We have successfully implemented the citizen profile in cities such as Aalst, Sint-Niklaas, and Schilde, where it has contributed to faster service delivery and an improved experience for both citizens and officials.

Check out some cases

The Deployment of AI: Ask Flanders

At Calibrate, we strongly believe in the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve government services and optimize interaction with citizens. An excellent example of our deployment is the implementation of This innovative platform allows residents to easily ask questions about the Flemish government and receive quick and accurate answers via an AI-driven chatbot. is designed to provide citizens with a user-friendly experience, giving them 24/7 access to information about government services, procedures and regulations. By using AI technology, we can not only reduce response time, but also ensure the quality of information. This results in a more transparent and accessible government, with the needs of citizens at its core.

With this application of AI, we show how technology can contribute to a more efficient and effective public service, and help the Flemish government get closer to its citizens.

Try it yourself:


If you want a one on one chat or live demo, just give me a call!